2023-06-28 15:05:28
First of all, your link is broken Second, I was gonna suggest you to use different sites to promote your games since I saw it I just forgot about but here we go... Pixiv - f you use the right tags at least some people should check your picture and game, just keep in mind that you need to censor genitalia or will be blocked from public access Devianart Art - With the groups option you should be able to get some people attention, DA dont allow porn but the picture you uploaded to twitter minus the full nel*** should be fine, also you cant post the link to your game but you could invite people to ask for it in private Rule34xxx - External / Just like paheal but it allows OCs so you can try to promote it there, just make sure every single tag it comes to your mind like White_hair Orcs Full_Nel*** and everything you game include, only problems I think links in comments are blocked so again you might invitee people to ask for the link in private Baraag - No censor needed, add a bunch of hashtags #Porn #Hentai #Orcs to have more chances of get people attention, but I think you first need to confirm with an Admin to get an account, cause they only allow artist to create accounts now Newgrounds - Is your game HTML5? Newgrounds allow to publish that files, also you can complete upload your picture there with no drawbacks and the direct link on your description Good luck
2023-06-28 15:23:08
If you post it AS A USABLE file on Hentai Foundry External / Or External / But it should be playable on windows and apple phones and computers. I donated $6 for an android game I can't play.
2023-06-28 15:25:14
New grounds too External / But you need to make it playable anywhere.
2023-07-04 02:17:10
External / is a forum for animation, you need to make at least 5 posts before post links I think